So today we attempted to make chocolate chip cookies. I've been craving them like crazy this week for some reason. Apparently I ate way too many on a weekly basis at home. We almost always have freshly baked cookies made and available for consumption at our house, and so these store bought things here just aren't quite hittin' the spot.
The idea to make them sounded great! I just didn't really think through it all the way. Meaning that it never occurred to me that the fact that we can't seem to find brown sugar or baking soda here might be a problem.
Yesterday Bina and I walked to the market to get the groceries that we needed for the day. Neither Mel or I could remember if we had seen brown sugar anywhere or not, and I was pretty sure we weren't going to find baking soda anywhere, but I decided to try. So the guy at the 1st shop that I asked about brown sugar looked at me really weird and then came back with brown rice...when I said no thanks he just laughed. At the shop I asked for baking soda, first he came back with baking powder. When I tried to tell him that we already had that and I needed Baking SODA not powder he came back with a loaf of bread and a coke...oh well. So needless to say we had to improvise our ingredients a little bit. We had no idea if it would work, but we decided to give it a whirl.
So instead of brown sugar we just put double white sugar, instead of baking soda we used powder, and instead of chocolate chips we used broken up chocolate bar. Aside from our lack of ingredients, guessing amounts, (due to our lack of measuring cups and such) and a part time working toaster oven, I'd say we did pretty good! They really weren't too bad at all. Just REALLY buttery. Trial and error on guessing the amounts I guess :)
The 2nd batch turned out way better then the first though. The first round we stuck them in our little toaster oven and then the power proceeded to go out right away. So we just left them in there thinking it most likely wouldn't turn on for a while. Well, we forgot about them and when the pastor of the Moravian church walked in with his wife they noticed the toaster oven smoking. Oops. The 2nd go round worked great though, and we now have some not half bad, homemade, chocolate chip cookies in India.
so so so hilarious and fun!!! Love it!